NO TOBACCO DAY ORGANISED BY TROOP NO 259,Dinhata soni debi jain high school

  • NO TOBACCO DAY ORGANISED BY TROOP NO 259 -Dinhata Soni Debi Jain High School

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NCC Troop no 259 ( 13Bengal BNNCC) of Dinhata Soni Debi School organised a World No Tobacco Day awareness protest at Dinhata in 31st May, in which cadets from Troop no 259 took part enthusiastically .About 170 cadets along with some teachers were present there

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A rally was held outside the School campus with chants such as “say no to smoking,” “save lung save life,” “stop smoking, live life,” among others. The rally began in the school front and concluded at Dinhata Station chowpathy .
After rally a short program was arranged where the chief guest, Mr Manmohan Nath, the brach(Dinhata) secretary of Paschim Banga Vigyan Mancha delivered a valuable speech on the significance on No Tobacco Day.

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He sais that tobacco products should be avoided through raising awareness among adolescents. He invited the pupils to come forward and spread the word to the general public. He praised the cadets’ efforts and urged them to participate in similar awareness campaigns in the future. Md Aziz ,Sri Gautam Budhya Deb, the respected techers of the school participated and encouraged the cadets. Kaushik Pandit,The Cto,and the seniors also presented an overview of the event earlier.
The main goal of commemorating the day was to raise awareness about the negative consequences of smoking and tobacco products on our health, the environment, and our social lives, among other things.
The program ended with the distribution of chocolates among the cadets.

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