HS Report writing -Educate The Girl Child

Educate girl child,

write a report on educating the girl child

Educate the Girl Child Campaign is organized by ABC School –


14th of August 2021, Coochbehar The ABC School of Coochbehar launched a campaign named “Educate the Girl Child” in response to the many incentives announced by the state to encourage girls’ education. In order for parents to bring their daughters to school, the school launched the campaign to raise awareness among them. After completing upper primary schooling, several girls recently quit attending school. Some of them have had their parents marry them off.

Therefore, the ABC School formed a group of volunteers from and among the girls to stop this flow of dropout females. An assistant teacher from the school led each group. They conducted a door-to-door campaign in the neighborhood to persuade the parents of those dropout girls of the value of sending their daughters to school. They were also given clarification on the advantages of the “Kanyashree” scholarship. Also discussed with them was how they may become self-sufficient financially. The Managing Committee also called a guardians meeting every two weeks to discuss this issue. To advance this effort, a gathering was also planned for August 14th to coincide with Kanyashree Day. The guardians are already displaying signs of the desired transformation.

I hope this effort succeeds in achieving its

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