Form of the POEM -Tyger
The poem The Tyger is made up of six quatrains in rhymed couplets. The poem has a regular meter and a rhythmic synchronization; the hammering is related to blacksmithing. The poem is structured in a tidy, regular manner with neat proportions. The poem gradually leads up to the poem’s last question. The rhyme scheme followed in the entire poem is AABB.
Structure of the Tyger
The Tyger’ is divided into six stanzas, each of which has four lines. The words ‘could’ and ‘dare’ are interchanged in the first and last stanzas. The poem is sometimes all about asking God questions, with at least 13 different questions asked throughout the poem. The poet seemed concerned about how the creator created such a lovely creature, but more importantly, how the creature is doing.
Historical Considerations
Songs of Experience was released in 1794, after Songs of Innocence. The poet wanted to show how the spirit and human cognition are inherently contradictory. Songs of Experience, a compilation of his poems, included the poem “The Tyger.” It became an instant literary classic among the contemporary era’s all-time classic poetry. What does William Blake’s Tyger mean?
The Tyger is based on William Blake’s poem The Songs of Experience. The’ Tyger’ is a symbolic tiger that represents the human soul’s evil force. God, who possesses great imagination, devotion, and thoughts, created it in the fire of imagination.
William Blake’s The Tyger Summary And Questions
1. What does it mean to burn bright in the Tyger?
Ans. “Burning Bright” could refer to the Tyger’s physical look (tigers have blazing yellow fur), or it could refer to a deeper strength or power that this Tyger possesses. Thus, being fierce, capable, intelligent, and possessing the power to do anything is what the burning bright symbolizes.
3.”What immortal sight or hand could frame thy fearful symmetry?”
The immortal hand or eye is a reference to God.
4. What does “fearful symmetry” mean?
Fearful Symmetry is a term from British novelist and visual artist William Blake’s poem “The Tyger,” written in 1794. Symmetry refers to a harmonious and attractive sense of proportion and balance. Fearful symmetry can refer to something scary but beautiful in the poem.
5. What makes the poet think it was dangerous to construct the tiger?
Ans-The poet thinks it’s brave to make a tiger because the same creator formed the humble. He then went on to develop a fearsome Tiger that can kill and consume an innocent lamb.
6. The poem’s first and end stanzas are nearly identical. Look for the differences.
Ans- Except for the last lines, the first and last stanzas are nearly identical. The first stanza’s final line begins with could, and the final line of the last verse begins with dare.
7.”“Tyger Tyger, burning bright,
” – What do the words “burning bright” and “forests of the night” imply?
The word “burning bright” is used in the poetry “The Tyger” to describe how a tiger’s eyes, in particular, appear to flash brightly against the dark recesses of a person’s soul. ‘ forests of the night’ refers to densely packed forest trees that appear particularly dark at night, while figuratively they represent ‘ignorance, répression, and superstition’ that hide deep within an individual’s psyche.
8.” Thy fearful symmetry.” – What does fearful symmetry imply? What does it have to do with the Night’s forests?
‘Fearful symmetry’ describes how terrifying and shapely the tiger is. God has made a magnificent creation. Fearful symmetry conjures up images of terrible beauty and all-pervasive evil. The tiger, which represents evil and anger, is another manifestation of God. When oppression, ignorance, and superstition exist, the tiger becomes active.
9.”What the hammer? what the chain,
In what furnace was thy brain?
” – What is eventually linked to the hammer and chain, furnace, and anvil?
The blacksmith’s workshop is related to the hammer and chain, furnace, and anvil. The blacksmith is shown heating iron in the furnace, placing it on the anvil, and shaping it with the hammer. God must have used a similar procedure to create the tiger’s brain. God’s tools were certainly amazing.
9. When the stars threw down their spears
Who are the celebrities? What does it mean when they throw down their spears? What does it imply when heaven is watered by their tears?
The rebel angels that attempted to expel God from heaven are referred to as “stars” in the Old Testament’s Book of Job.
The rebels’ defeat, submission, and termination of armed hostilities are symbolized by them laying down their spears.
The rebels’ expression of sorrow and regret over their defeat
10.”Did he smile his work to see?” explain
The speaker now wonders if the creator was pleased to see the tiger becoming too terrifying for the Satanic armies when they threw up their weapons and showered their tears on the heavens.
11. “On what wings dare he aspire?
Figure of speeches
It’s a direct address to an inanimate object or abstract concept as if it were a real person, or to an absent person as if they were there.
example— “Tyger Tyger, burning bright.”
Alliteration is the repetition of the same letter or syllable at the beginning of two or more words. Imagery, for example: The use of imagery allows readers to experience things through their five senses.
example–-“Tyger Tyger, burning bright”
Interrogation is when someone asks a question not to get an answer but to make a point more clearly. Because a question is asked for a rhetorical (symbolic) effect, it is also known as a Rhetorical Question.
example—-“What the hammer? what the chain,
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp.”–
Inanimate objects or abstract conceptions are given a human personality, intellect, or character through personification.
example—-“When the stars threw down their spears
And water’d heaven with their tears:”
A metaphor is a figure of speech that is used to compare two items or people who are inherently different.
example—“In the forests of the night”
He associates tiger with darkness