William Shakespeare Sonnet 73
Sonnet 73
That time of year thou mayst in me behold———-—When you look at me, you see a picture of those times of year
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang——–when the leaves have turned yellow or gone off the trees, or
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold
Bare ruin’d choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.,-〉—when the trees have no leaves at all and the bare limbs where the sweet birds previously sang tremble in anticipation of the winter
In me thou see’st the twilight of such day
As after sunset fadeth in the west,
Which by and by black night doth take away,
Death’s second self, that seals up all in rest.——You can see the twilight that remains after the sunset in the west fades, which eventually gives way to dark night death’s twin, which wraps everyone up in eternal repose.
In me thou see’st the glowing of such fire
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,
As the death-bed whereon it must expire,
Consum’d with that which it was nourish’d by.—--You can see the embers of a fire still flickering on the ashes of its early phases in me, as if it were lying on its own deathbed, on which it must burn out, eating the fuel it once used.
This thou perceiv’st, which makes thy love more strong,
To love that well which thou must leave ere long.—–You see all of these things, and they strengthen your love because you adore what you know you’ll lose soon.
Sonnet 73
আপনি যখন আমার দিকে তাকান, আপনি বছরের সেই সময়ের একটি ছবি দেখতে পাচ্ছেন যখন পাতাগুলি হলুদ হয়ে গেছে বা গাছগুলি ঝরে গেছে, বা যখন গাছের কোনও পাতা নেই এবং খালি অঙ্গগুলি যেখানে মিষ্টি পাখিরা আগে আশায় কাঁপছিল। শীতকাল. আপনি পশ্চিমে সূর্যাস্তের পরে থাকা গোধূলি দেখতে পাচ্ছেন, যা শেষ পর্যন্ত অন্ধকার রাতের পথ দেয়, মৃত্যুর যুগল, যা সবাইকে চিরস্থায়ী বিশ্রামে আবৃত করে। আপনি দেখতে পাচ্ছেন আগুনের অঙ্গারগুলি এখনও আমার মধ্যে তার প্রাথমিক পর্যায়ের ছাইয়ের উপর জ্বলজ্বল করছে, যেন এটি তার নিজের মৃত্যুশয্যায় শুয়ে রয়েছে, যার উপরে এটি জ্বলতে হবে, এটি একবার ব্যবহৃত জ্বালানী খাচ্ছে। আপনি এই সমস্ত জিনিসগুলি দেখতে পান, এবং তারা আপনার ভালবাসাকে শক্তিশালী করে কারণ আপনি যা জানেন তা আপনি শীঘ্রই হারাবেন।
Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets, and Sonnet 73 is one of them. This sonnet is also part of the Fair Youth sequence, a collection of poems (from sonnets 1 to 126) written to an anonymous young fellow. The Fair Youth sequence contains powerful lyrical language and hyperbole. Sonnet 73, for the instance, is about old age and is dedicated to a friend (the unnamed young man).
Sonnet 73 is also a Shakespearean sonnet. This implies the poetry has three quatrains and a rhyming couplet at the end. It is written in iambic pentameter and rhymes with ABAB CDCD EFEF GG. The central theme of Sonnet 73 is the aging process and how the narrator perceives it. The poem’s tone is somber and introspective for the most part, but the final couplet addresses the unnamed young man directly.
In all these initial lines, the lyrical narrator associates old age with a specific “season.” To begin with, old age is shown as autumn, with “yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang.” The poetic voice alludes to the time of year when the leaves have nearly fully dropped, the weather is cold, and the birds have abandoned their branches. The poet speaker appears to be saying in the first four lines that fall is the time of year when death occurs. Furthermore, the poetic narrator relates his aging to nature, specifically fall.
The following pair of lines compare the aging process to the sunset. The poem’s tone expresses concern about aging. The words say that old age is like dusk, which he/she may see (“In me, thou seest the twilight of such day”). Then, as the sun sets and darkness falls, a specific scenario is recounted. When the end of a man’s life approaches
As the dusk turns to night “by and by,” this metaphor stresses the slow withering of youth.
These lines, like the first four, depict aging as the end of a cycle. This cycle is illustrated in the first quatrains by the several natural seasons.
notes Shakespeare emphasizes on the dusk of “such a day” in the second quatrain, as death looms throughout the night. He’s interested in how the light changes from twilight to sunset to black night, showing life’s final hours. As a result, he will not be able to reclaim the dark night. As a result, youth fades away, and old age drags him down the path to death.
LINES 9-12
The narrator compares himself to ashes in these lines. There are traces of fire left in him/her, according to the lyrical voice. This fire represents youth, and it will be extinguished soon, as per the lyrical voice. This is another example of aging-related beliefs. The poem illustrates himself to the smoldering embers of a fire that lays atop the ashes of the logs that formerly kept it going. The speaker’s passion for his beloved, on the other hand, remains strong even if he may not survive long.
LINES 13-14
The poet is preparing his buddy for the symbolic death of youth and love, rather than real death. Shakespeare skillfully weaves the ideas of love and death into a single, complicated concept. Shakespeare’s sonnet’s final quatrain represents the final stage of the youth’s disappearance. Life is extinguished after the energy of youth has passed, just as a fire dies out once the wood that has been seen fueling it is consumed. He connects the slowly dying fire to the going away of life as old age triumphs over youth. Shakespeare is preoccupied with death’s reality. He sees that what he has fed and nurtured is about to die. As he realizes that what enlivened his youth is being destroyed by the fire, the ashes of his youth blaze brightly. As a result, Shakespeare instructs his AUD